OK so from this lecture at the Jarwood space we astablished that matirials used to create drawings are not nessaserally fixed to pen n pencil on paper. from that exabition alone there was (massve list coming up)....
charcole, pen, ink, pencil, enamal, thread, water colour, cut steel, film anermation (stop motion), earth, cutting, hole punching, paper, card, pins, newspaper, diarypage, £10 note, bone (there are probably others but thats what i have)
Not only was there a wide range of matirials but also subject matter (another list cummin up)...
repitition, giometry, city scapes, obsessive detail, war, changing landscape, narative i.e family, impromtue/ spontaniouse
we discussed the way the exabition was displayed. the fact that the artist had compleat controle of how there work was exibited everything was hung at the qweens eyeleval and 90% of the work was behind glass and framed. why do we think that is?? is it because it maes the work more profesional? or is it to give the work perspective?? or something else? (discuss?)
things that came up were..
the pins. the idea and consept behind the work making it a drawing without that it is just
pins stuck in paper.
printing. the fact that it is mono crome with paper left showing threw justafys it as a drawing.
film. that the hat being unravaled in the film was a line.
oils. that the mark make was qwick and gestural
HOW was line used?
it was used to sugest shape, light n dark, measurement, decoration and pattern
We also breifly looked at the idea of text and how text can be a drawing and can change the context of an image different words have diferent meanings for example if ther is an image of a mouth and next to it is the word love it would have totaly different conotations if next to it was writen the word deseet.
'words become drawings drawngs become words' karan said that i think.
thats all the notes i have from the discussion i hope thats ok love ya all emxxxxx
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